
Sustainable Beef Products

Learn more about Karan Beef’s commitment to producing sustainable beef products, uplifting its staff and community and addressing environmental concerns naturally.

    Corporate social investment

    At Karan Beef, we’re committed to a comprehensive and ongoing policy of social upliftment. We donated a large tract of land adjoining our farm to the Tokolohong Home Owners Association to provide our employees and agricultural workers with homes of their own.

    Meaning “freedom”, the Tokolohong Agricultural Village is managed by the association with the workers owning the homes in the village. The agri-village also features communal areas for growing vegetables and maintaining livestock, allowing people to become progressively more self-sufficient. Our medical assistance programme features a day clinic that facilitates primary health care and education.

    We are also involved with the Old Mutual joBerg2c, a nine-day mountain biking race that starts at the Karan Beef Feedlot and ends 900km away in Scottburgh, KwaZulu-Natal. This race raises funds for and benefits the local communities along the route.

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