Sell Calves

Sell directly to KARAN BEEF

Have you herd that you can sell your calves directly to KARAN BEEF?

KARAN BEEF are industry leaders in beef production, with well over 40 years in cattle dealing.

KARAN BEEF has made it easier for all cattle farmers, both small and large scale, to sell directly to KARAN BEEF and become commercially viable.

Once you register as a cattle seller with KARAN BEEF, you will be contacted by one of our regional agents to complete the process.

The ideal age for calves to be sold is from 6 to 9 months old with a weight of 200 - 240 kgs.

    Register as a cattle seller with KARAN BEEF

    Did you know you can sell your calves to KARAN BEEF at 0% commission? It is the best deal you can get, and that is no bull!

    Compulsory field
    Compulsory field
    Compulsory field
    Compulsory field
    Do you know the specifications of your calves for sale?*
    Het jy die nodige spesifikasies van jou kalwers te koop*
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    Compulsory field
    Compulsory field
    Sex Ration
    Is this
    Compulsory field File successfully uploaded! (Files must be less than 5MB. Accepted file types: png, jpg, pdf)
    Backgrounded - Allowed to graze on pastures with supplementary feed for a period of between 30-60 days
    Compulsory field
    Compulsory field
    Compulsory field
    Is dit
    Compulsory field File successfully uploaded! (Files must be less than 5MB. Accepted file types: png, jpg, pdf)
    Backgrounded - Beeste wat eers op die veld gevoer het tussen 30-60 dae

    Lientjie Hofmeyr

    • Gauteng, Heidelberg
    • +27 16 340 8000

    Johan Botha

    • Free State, Bloemfontein
    • 082 856 4409

    Johan du Toit

    • Eastern Cape, Humansdorp
    • 083 992 0646

    Henk Britz

    • Eastern Cape, Aliwal North
    • 063 534 1795

    Freddie Markram

    • Northern Cape, Kuruman
    • 082 920 8893

    Johan Botha

    • Northern Cape, Kimberly
    • 082 856 4409

    Arnold Durr

    • Mpumalanga, Ermelo
    • 082 902 3916

    Tiaan Lochner

    • KwaZulu-Natal, Albert Falls
    • 074 631 6978

    Timo Giersche

    • Namibia, Okahandja
    • +264 81 245 3315

    Hein Engelbrecht

    • Mpumalanga, Middelburg
    • 076 862 0797

    LC Gresse

    • Gauteng & Free State
    • 082 773 6199

    Johan Blaauw

    • Namibia, Keetmanshoop
    • +264 81 390 5953

    Vaughan Gilson

    • Southern Kwa-Zulu Natal & East Griqualand
    • 083 294 9843

    Pieter Klopper

    • East Cape & Free State
    • 082 807 3752
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